Looking to Adopt a Foreign Child? Here is What You Need to Know

Looking to Adopt a Foreign Child? Here is What You Need to Know

This article is for you if you have ever thought about adopting a child from another country but were not sure how you could do that. If you are a resident of the State of Georgia let us put you at ease that you can adopt a child from another country. The process is a bit complex and lengthy as compared to a domestic adoption as it also involves complying with the adoption laws of the child’s birth country. We will look at what steps that are involved and how you can initiate an international adoption. If you are aware of the process and just wish to know the basics please go here.


Where to Start?

If you would like to know where to begin that depends on the situation that has led you to adopt a child from another country. Has the child lived with you for two years, this is for US residents living in a foreign country and applying to get custody of a child; Since there are certain requirements especially the approval of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), it is recommended to get in touch with foreign adoption lawyers in Georgia. Besides providing legal counsel they will also help you in avoiding problems and pitfalls associated with international adoption.

If you are a resident of Georgia and have never lived abroad then the easier way would be to reach out to an international adoption agency. The agency will take care of most of the requirements and show photo listings of foreign children who are up for adoption. They will start by getting you to carry out the international adoption home study and getting approval from the USCIS.


The International Adoption Home Study

This study is essential to start the process of international adoption. This home study includes a review of you, your family and your home. It takes into account all aspects such as your financial situation, the physical and mental health of you and your family members. The USCIS, as well as the foreign country’s adoption, will use the findings from this study to see whether you and your home are suitable for the child being adopted.


The Hague Convention

Besides the home study, there are additional requirements that you will need to fulfill. The requirements and the process followed will largely depend on whether the country you are adopting from is one part of the Hague Convention countries. The Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect to Inter-country adoption. This is an international agreement that upholds the rights, safety and security of the children being adopted in foreign adoptions.


Finalizing the Adoption

As you might have picked up the process that agencies and even adoption lawyers would follow for foreign adoption is unlike third party adoption services. After the approval from the USCIS and the birth country of the child, you will need to travel to the country. Over there you will finalize the adoption process with the local agencies and courts if required. Then you can bring the child back with you to their new home. So, if you are asking when does the adoption become final for the adopting parents, well we recommend one more step. To avoid any problems with future citizenship of the child it is recommended that you complete an international re-adoption in Georgia. The Law Office of Thomas Tebeau can assist you with this as well as any other legal advice and counsel. You can reach us at (​706) 327-1151 or if you wish to email us you can do so on info@tomtebeau.com.


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