Difference Between Third Party Adoption and Agency Adoption

Difference Between Third Party Adoption and Agency Adoption

Once you have decided to adopt a child and made sure you are financially, emotionally, and mentally able to support a child, the next decision you must make is regarding the adoption type. Among the various types of adoption types, third party adoption and agency adoption are more common. We at Thomas Tebeau specialize in third-party adoption and most of the time, people are not sure about the difference between third party and agency adoption. This reason is why we have created this article to tell you about the significant differences between the two adoption types to help people who are interested in adoption.

Cost: How Much Does Adoption Cost Upon Which Alternative You Pick

Adoption cost is a significant factor when picking between third party or agency adoption. So, if you want to know about how much does adoption cost, it will vary for both adoption types. However, both adoption types can cost thousands of dollars to the potential adoptive parents, according to Adoptive Families Magazine's survey agency. However, the cost of both agencies and third-party adoption is less than some of the other adoption types such as international adoption. While a third-party adoption may cost you somewhere around $35,000, an agency adoption may cost you around $40,000. Hiring a reputed and experienced third party adoption attorney such as Thomas Tebeau can help you further lower the cost of third party adoption. On the other hand, agency fees are involved in agency adoption that makes agency adoption higher.

Process: There Are Differences in The Process for Both Adoption Types

Since agency adoption involves the services of an agency as opposed to the independent nature of third-party adoption. It doesn't come as a surprise that the adoption process is different for both adoption types. For example, in Georgia, the Georgia adoption laws are different for third party adoption and agency adoption. Not to mention, there are various Georgia adoption legal forms for both adoption types. However, as per our experience, third-party adoption is relatively simple compared to agency adoption. The reason for the simplicity of the process in third party adoptions is because it involves fewer parties compared to an agency adoption.

Time: Both Third Party Adoption and Agency Adoption Have Different Completion Timeline

Third-party adoption is by far the quickest adoption method because there are no waiting times that are typically involved in agency adoptions. Usually, you might have to wait between 1-5 years for the adoption process to complete when working with adoption agencies. Depending on the case and situation, adoptions that are handled by lawyers take less time comparatively. By hiring the services of the law office of Thomas Tebeau, you can reduce the waiting time.

Involvement Level: The Involvement Level Is Different for Both Adoption Types

From advertising for adoption to the gaining of legal custody of the child, adoptive parents are more involved in each step of the process. On the other hand, during agency adoption, both the adoptive parents and biological parents are not involved as much.


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